Posts - Chronological - John A. Baer -1863


January 4, 1863 - Sunday - 160 years ago today  - Battle of Stones River, Part 2

January 8, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today - Battle of Stones River, Aftermath

January 12, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today - Wagner's Expedition

January 16, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today - Wagner's Return

January 20, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today - River Transportation

January 24, 1863 - Saturday - 160 years ago today - Reinforcements Expected

January 28, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today - Burnside Removed


February 1, 1863 - Sunday - 160 years ago today - No Movement

February 5, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today - Army Pay

February 9, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today - Remaining at Murfreesboro

February 13, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today - Mud

February 17, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today - Conscription

February 21, 1863 - Saturday - 160 years ago today - Shelter from the Rain

February 25, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today - Raid Rumors

MARCH 1863

March 1, 1863 - Sunday - 160 years ago today - Wood - Corps Commander

March 5, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today - Small Actions

March 9, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today - Van Dorn Attacks

March 13, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today - Temporary Amnesty for Soldiers

March 17, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today - Burnside to Kentucky

March 21, 1863 - Saturday - 160 years ago today - Daily Reconnaissance Reports

March 25, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today - Attack Concerns

March 29, 1863 - Sunday - 160 years ago today - Watchfulness

APRIL 1863

April 2, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today - Minor Skirmishes

April 6, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today - Clearing the Rivers

April 10, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today - Franklin, TN

April 14, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today - Stalemate at Franklin

April 18, 1863 - Saturday - 160 years ago today - Watching to the Southeast

April 22, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today - Searching for the Confederates

April 26, 1863 - Sunday - 160 years ago today - Southeast Focus

April 30, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today- Action Elsewhere

MAY 1863

May 4, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today - Battle of Chancellorsville

May 8, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today - Arrest for Treason

May 12, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today - Death of Stonewall Jackson, War News

May 16, 1863 - Saturday - 160 years ago today - Grant Approaches Vicksburg

May 20, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today - War News, A Banishment

May 24, 1863 - Sunday - 160 years ago today - Vicksburg Under Siege

May 28, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today - An Urging to Action

JUNE 1863

June 1, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today - War Censorship

June 5, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today  - War News

June 9, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today  - No Forward Movement

June 13, 1863 - Saturday - 160 years ago today - Skirmish Near Triune, TN

June 17, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today - Concern in the East

June 21, 1863 - Sunday - 160 years ago today - Stasis

June 25, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today - Advance on Tullahoma, TN

June 29, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today - Army of the Cumberland on the Move

JULY 1863

July 3, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today - Union Victories East and West

July 7, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today - Vicksburg and Gettysburg; Rosecrans Advances

July 11, 1863 - Saturday - 160 years ago today - Morgan's Raid

July 15, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today - Morgan's Raid; Draft Riots

July 19, 1863 - Sunday - 160 years ago today - Chasing Morgan; Rains Let Up

July 23, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today - Toward Chattanooga

July 27, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today - Waiting

July 31, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today - No Movement


August 4, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today - Army Ordered Forward

August 8, 1863 - Saturday - 160 years ago today - Options Discussed

August 12, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today - Crittenden Starts for Chattanooga

August 16, 1863 - Sunday - 160 years ago today - Move to the Sequatchie Valley

August 20, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today - Wagner's Brigade Moves Toward Chattanooga

August 24, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today - Shelling of Chattanooga

August 28, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today - Moving Toward the Tennessee River


September 1, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today - Tennessee Crossing

September 5, 1863 - Saturday - 160 years ago today - Moving Into North Georgia

September 9, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today - Confederate Pullback

September 13, 1863 - Sunday - 160 years ago today - Union Consolidation

September 17, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today - Eve Of Battle

September 21, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today - Battle of Chickamauga

September 25, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today - Union Retreat Into Chattanooga

September 29, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today - Aftermath


 October 3, 1863 - Saturday - 160 years ago today - Confederate Cavalry Raids

October 7, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today - Arrival of General Hooker's Army

October 11, 1863 - Sunday - 160 years ago today - Army Reorganization

October 15, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today - Wagner's Brigade Redeployed

October 19, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today - Grant In Command; Rosecrans Removed

October 23, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today - Grant Arrives in Chattanooga

October 27, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today - Opening the Cracker Line

October 31, 1863 - Saturday - 160 years ago today - Adding Supply Lines


November 4, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today - Sherman Crossing Tennessee

November 8, 1863 - Sunday - 160 years ago today - Longstreet Moves on Knoxville

November 12, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today - Static Situation

November 16, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today - Battle of Campbell's Station, TN

November 20, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today - Getting Into Position; Gettysburg Address

November 24, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today - Battle of Lookout Mountain

November 28, 1863 - Saturday - 160 years ago today - Battle of Missionary Ridge


December 2, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today - Granger's Corps to Knoxville

December 6, 1863 - Sunday - 160 years ago today - Moving Toward Knoxville

December 10, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today - Granger at Knoxville

December 14, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today - Supply Problems

December 18, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today - Union Forces at Strawberry Plains, TN

December 22, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today - Grant and Sherman Meet

December 26, 1863 - Saturday - 160 years ago today  - Keeping East Tennessee

December 30, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today - 40th Indiana - 1863




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