Sunday, September 17, 2023

September 17, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Crittenden's Corps - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

Wagner's brigade (including the 40th Indiana) continues to occupy the city of Chattanooga, as mentioned previously.  The brigade is not involved in the great movements of forces that are focusing on the area of the upcoming battle.

On the Union side, all three corps had come up and were within marching distance of West Chickamauga Creek, arrayed north to south on the west side of the creek.  Crittenden's corps was the most northerly, Thomas's corps was in the middle to Crittenden's right, and McCook's corps was slightly further west and to the south (right) of Thomas. A small force was further north to ensure that the roads to Chattanooga were not cut off.

The Confederate army was receiving reinforcements from both Mississippi and from Virginia.  These had just begun arriving on the 17th.  Most of the Confederate army was directly across from Crittenden's corps on the east side of the creek.

Although neither side had finished deploying its forces, everyone in both armies now knew that the focus was here near near the creek and battle would soon be joined.  It would be, by most measures, the largest battle of the Civil War in the west.

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