Thursday, January 12, 2023

January 12, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Crittenden's Corps - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade 

On the 9th, the three wings of the army are made into Army Corps, as requested by General Rosecrans.  The center (Thomas) is the 14th Corps, the Left (McCook) is the 20th, and the Right (Crittenden) is the 21st.  The internal organization of the Army of the Cumberland remains the same.

Colonel Wagner receives the following order on January 12th for his brigade's expedition:

Murfreesborough, January 12, 1863.
Col. G. D. Wagner, Commanding Expedition:
   COLONEL: The object of your expedition is to defeat the projects of the enemy's cavalry upon our trains upon the Nashville and Murfreesborough road.  A portion of Wheeler's cavalry is reported as having staid at Triune last night, having three pieces of artillery.  General Mitchell reports that at sundown this evening there was a cavalry force supposed to be from 3,000 to 4,000, some infantry possibly accompanying it, 7 miles north of Franklin, between Franklin and Hillsborough pikes, supposed to be aiming to attack, first, our river transportation.  It may be that Wheeler's force has gone to join this.  General Mitchell is preparing to march on them with eight or ten regiments of infantry and General Stanley's cavalry brigade.  Should you have reason to believe, on your arrival at Triune, that their whole force is concentrated there, then you will move toward Franklin, by the best road, to fall upon their flank and rear.  If, on the contrary, you have reason to believe that the have a considerable force toward Nolensville, between the Nolensville and Murfreesborough roads, you will move that way, seek the enemy, endeavor to engage the enemy, and cut him to pieces,  In moving it is scarcely necessary to caution you to flank your column with a kine of skirmishers parallel with the road, with a good advance guard.  Dispose of the cavalry, ordered to report to you, so as to be on the lookout against surprise and keep open communication, keeping the main body in hand to pursue small parties of the enemy.  You will take a few empty wagons with you.  Your men will carry their axes.  Take with you three days' rations, 60 rounds of ammunition, and a few spades.  Report as frequently as possible your movements, and any information you deem important to these headquarters.  The rest must be left to your discretion.  It may be well to remind you that force you have to deal with makes it necessary for you to attack with great vigor.  Take their batteries, if possible, and never leave yours without support.  Order the supports to take position to the left and right of our artillery and never behind it.
  By command of Major-General Rosecrans:
Assistant Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff.
  P. S. When debouching before an enemy, deploy a heavy line of skirmishers, at 5 pace intervals, and send them forward at the double-quick, deploying into line under cover of their advance.  Manage to conceal your force from the enemy, and, if possible, entrap him.

Wagner's brigade will move directly west about 14 miles from Murfreesboro, to Triune and try to find the enemy.  Franklin is about 12 miles north-west of Triune.  Nolensville is about 7 miles due north of Triune.


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