Monday, October 16, 2023

October 15, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Granger's Corps - Sheridan's Division - Wagner's Brigade 

On the 13th, Wagner's brigade is to move upon being relieved.  After striking camp, they stand in the rain but are not relieved due to conflicting orders, and remain in the rain all day,  This results in Wagner sending an irritated message to headquarters.

General Grant has been ordered to come north from Mississippi to the Ohio, and meet Secretary of War Stanton.  Upon receiving the order, Grant begins to move, although he is very hobbled by a recent riding accident.  He will only understand the meaning of this order once he meets with Stanton.

Sherman is moving slowly across Tennessee toward Chattanooga.  His force is spread out along the Tennessee River, as he is rebuilding the railroad as he goes, in a similar way to what was required of General Buell the year before.

General Hooker is on the north side of the Tennessee near Chattanooga, and General Rosecrans has asked him to attempt to clear the river into Chattanooga, to create a better supply line into the city.

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