Monday, October 30, 2023

October 31, 1863 - Saturday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Granger's Corps - Sheridan's Division - Wagner's Brigade 

A Confederate corps under General Longstreet attempted on the 29th to disrupt the new Union "cracker line".  The attack took place at the north end of the Lookout Valley, which was just west of Lookout Mountain.  Though the Confederate force was superior in numbers, the confused nighttime battle resulted in a stalemate and the Confederate forces withdrew.  After that point the cracker line into the city was not again threatened.

Sherman had been attempting to rebuild the railroad across Tennessee as he came east toward Chattanooga.  This was proving fruitless as the surrounding country was not sympathetic to the Union.  Grant therefore ordered it stopped, and instead ordered one of Sherman's divisions to rebuild the railroad from Nashville south the Decatur, AL.  This created another supply line, which was desperately needed due to the concentration of Union troops in the Chattanooga area.

The advance northward of part of Bragg's force ended at Cleveland, TN.  Grant had feared that they would go toward Nashville, necessitating a Union evacuation of Chattanooga (see previous entry).  It turned out this was not necessary as the Confederates advanced no further for now..

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