Tuesday, July 4, 2023

July 3, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Crittenden's Corps - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

General Rosecrans orders the army forward toward the Confederate army's base at Tullahoma, and pushes his left flank forward to try to cut off the Confederates' path to Chattanooga.  Wood's division (with the 40th Indiana) is sent forward to Hillsborough on July 1st, and as it becomes more clear the Bragg's army is retreating, Wood is moved further south to Pelham, TN on the 3rd.  

In the east, the Battle of Gettysburg concludes on the 3rd, as the frontal attack now known as Pickett's charge is a disaster for Lee's army.  The Confederate Army of Northern Virginia falls back from the town, eventually returning to Virginia.  Meade's Union Army does not aggressively pursue them.

In Mississippi, the siege of Vicksburg has continued while the Confederacy tries to gather enough troops to lift the siege.  By July 3rd the city can no longer hold out.  Flags of truce are shown, and the formal surrender of the city will be the next day.

News of Gettysburg and Vicksburg was celebrated at Washington D.C., but any hope for a third breakthrough in Tennessee is disappointed as Rosecrans stops to consolidate his gains.  Wood's division is at Pelham on the left of the army, with the rest of the army along a line toward the southwest at Cowan and Winchester.

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