Saturday, December 23, 2023

December 22, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Granger's Corps - Sheridan's Division - Wagner's Brigade 

General Granger now has one of his divisions east of Knoxville near Blaine, TN, about 20 mile east of Knoxville. This includes Wagner's brigade with the 40th Indiana.  In a message to General Thomas, he describes a lack of shelter, clothing, supplies and transportation for his troops - due to the hasty departure from Chattanooga for the relief of Knoxville, the division could not take most of the items they had been using.  

Granger requests that the division's wagons, baggage, and other supplies be sent to them (he suggests that his other division of the army be sent to the area with the needed items).  General Grant will not send more troops, but gives orders for the needed items to be provided using river boats from Chattanooga.


Sherman meets with Grant at his new headquarters in Nashville to discuss the campaigns for the new year.  Sherman wants to return to Mississippi to operate against Confederate forces and infrastructure there.  Sherman gives the orders for his troops to organize for the expedition.

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