Monday, October 23, 2023

October 23, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Granger's Corps - Sheridan's Division - Wagner's Brigade 

General Rosecrans left the army on the 19th, and had reached Stevenson, AL by the 21st.  Here he met Grant on his way into the city.  Grant writes:

"On the morning of the 21st we took the train for the front, reaching Stevenson, Alabama after dark.  Rosecrans was there on his way north.  He came into my car and we held a brief interview, in which he described very clearly the situation at Chattanooga, and made some excellent suggestions as to what should be done.  My only wonder was that he had not carried them out.  We then proceeded to Bridgeport, where we stopped for the night.  From here we took horses and made our way by Jasper and over Waldron's Ridge to Chattanooga.

"There had been much rain, and the roads were almost impassable from mud, knee-deep in places, and from wash-outs on the mountain side.  I had been on crutches since the time of my fall in New Orleans, and had to be carried over places where it was not safe to cross on horseback.  The roads were strewn with the debris of broken wagons and the carcasses of thousands of starved mules and horses.  At Jasper, some ten or twelve miles from Bridgeport, there was a halt.  General O. O. Howard had his headquarters there.  From this point I telegraphed Burnside to make every effort to secure five hundred rounds of ammunition for his artillery and small-arms.  We stopped for the night at a little hamlet some ten or twelve miles farther on.  The next day we reached Chattanooga a little before dark. I went directly to General Thomas's headquarters, and remaining there a few days, until I could establish my own."

--- Grant, Personal Memoirs, pp. 410-411.

Grant sent a telegram to General Halleck in Washington, announcing his arrival, and asking that General Sherman be appointed commander of the Army of the Tennessee, which was soon granted.  Sherman at that time was still bringing this army across Tennessee toward the city.

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