Friday, October 20, 2023

October 19, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Granger's Corps - Sheridan's Division - Wagner's Brigade 

On the 17th, all of the army departments in the West are placed under the command of General Grant.  Grant is given the option of relieving General Rosecrans and immediately chooses to do so, replacing him with General Thomas on the 18th.  Grant is ordered to proceed to the Chattanooga area, take command, and secure supply lines to the army there.  

On the 19th, General Sherman is assigned to the command of the Army of the Tennessee (Grant's previous command).  The Union now has three full armies at or approaching Chattanooga: the Army of the Cumberland, in the city; the Army of the Tennessee, approaching across Tennessee; and the army recently arrived from the east, commanded by General Hooker.  General Burnside's army remains in East Tennessee, and has moved some cavalry down to the southwest near the left of the Army of the Cumberland.

The army in Chattanooga, having been reorganized, begins the process of moving the various divisions and brigades to their new positions along the line.  The army's animals have little to eat, and the malnourished ones are ordered to Nashville for recovery.  Supply lines are still limited and the army remains on partial rations.  A Confederate cavalry force was broken up north of Chattanooga, giving Union supply lines some relief.

Sherman continues to move across Tennessee, and repairing the railroad as he goes.  Heavy rains have rivers rising and roads in bad condition.

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