Wednesday, August 16, 2023

August 16, 1863 - Sunday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Crittenden's Corps - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

By the 15th, General Rosecrans has made his plans and sends the orders for the army's advance.  General Wood's division is ordered into the Sequatchie Valley, from the orders it appears that the corps will initially be somewhat south of Dunlap, TN. Wood's division (with 40th Indiana) will push an advance southeast to Walden's Ridge and then further on toward the Tennessee River opposite Chattanooga.  

Wood reports his division ready to move on the 15th, although still lacking somewhat in forage for feeding the animals.  There are no dispatches on the 16th but the move was likely in progress.

Rosecrans had developed a somewhat complicated plan; first to get a small force north of Chattanooga to give the appearance that the main attack would be from that direction, and if Bragg's Confederate army stayed in place as anticipated, to pass the city with most of his army through the ridges on its southwest, emerging south of the city.  This would leave the Confederates forced to abandon Chattanooga without a fight..

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