Tuesday, September 26, 2023

September 25, 1863 - Friday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Crittenden's Corps - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

By the 22nd, the troops under General Thomas are north of the battlefield, facing south, and confronting the Confederate army south of Chattanooga.  The remainder of Crittenden's corps is on the Union left.  There is only skirmishing and both armies are suffering from the immense casualties of the battle.

General Rosecrans, with the rest of the army, has retreated into Chattanooga and now occupied the previous Confederate entrenchments.  Burnside has been requested to move his troops down from Knoxville as soon as possible and has begun some movements.  Other Union forces are also ordered to relieve Chattanooga.

Wagner's brigade, with the 40th Indiana, has remained in the city and is still separated from its division and corps.  The brigade has 116 officers and 1408 men on September 23rd.  The 40th Indiana has 30 officers and 381 men effective on that date.

The Confederate army has begun to occupy the heights around the city, mainly Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge.  From there they can interfere with supply lines for the Union army inside Chattanooga.  

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