Friday, May 12, 2023

May 12, 1863 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Crittenden's Corps - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade 

Clement Vallandigham, having been sentenced for treason (see previous entry), presents a writ of habeas corpus but it is denied by the US Circuit Court.

In the east, Confederate General Stonewall Jackson passes away from complications due to wounds accidentally inflicted on him by his own army in the latest battle.  Jackson had rightly become a renowned fighter for the South, and his death is a serious setback for Lee's Confederate Army.

Grant's bold maneuver to move south of Vicksburg appears to be paying off, as he continues to approach the land side of the city.

A Union cavalry attack into Georgia, intended to break up the railroad from Atlanta, has failed, with the capture of the entire force.  Rosecrans had approved this and hopes that, although having failed, at least it will draw some Confederate troops to rear areas to guard the railroads.

General Crittenden receives orders to push further out on the army's left flank, to observe any movements there.  General Wood has been in command at Nashville, but is returning as a division commander to the 21st corps under Crittenden.

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