Friday, June 30, 2023

June 29, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Crittenden's Corps - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

There is significant fighting near Shelbyville, TN on June 26th.  The Confederate forces take the bulk of casualties in this battle, with over 1600 killed and wounded vs. Union casualties of about 500.  

Rosecrans' Union forces continue to advance, taking Shelbyville and  Manchester, TN, and then moving beyond, toward the rebel base at Tullahoma, TN.  Reports, as yet unconfirmed, say that the Confederate army is pulling back toward Chattanooga.


Map: Rosecrans' Union army is advancing with its front between Manchester and Shelbyville.

In the east, General Hooker resigns the command of the Union Army of the Potomac, and is replaced by General George Meade.  Confederate forces push through Maryland and into Pennsylvania, and skirmish with Union forces around the small town of Gettysburg, PA.  The siege of Vicksburg is also continuing in Mississippi.

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