Saturday, November 18, 2023

November 16, 1863 - Monday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Granger's Corps - Sheridan's Division - Wagner's Brigade 

Longstreet's Confederates by the 15th had reached the area around Lenoir City, TN.  They were moving as fast as possible, to try to trap and defeat Burnside's army outside of Knoxville.  On the morning of the 15th the battle began, and was a series of running engagements; the largest of which occurred at what is now the site of Farragut High School, and is known as the Battle of Campbell's Station.  In the evening, Union troops disengaged and retreated into Knoxville.  Longstreet began a siege of the city.  

At Chattanooga, Sherman had arrived and met with Grant and the other generals to learn the plan of attack on Missionary Ridge.  He agreed to the plan, but weather and bad roads had stalled his troops' advance, postponing the attack for several days.  Sherman's army arrived piecemeal over the next few days, pontoon bridges were built for their crossing of the Tennessee River, and other preparations were made for the attack.

The plan called for Sherman's army to attack the north end of Missionary Ridge (this area is the Sherman Reservation today and is at the north end of N. Crest Road).  The intent was for Sherman to clear the ridge from north to south and force the Confederate army back into Georgia.

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