Saturday, December 30, 2023

December 30, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Granger's Corps - Sheridan's Division - Wagner's Brigade 

By the 30th, General Grant has come to Knoxville and will soon go to the front east of the city, where there have been several cavalry engagements but no large battles.  Longstreet is reported to be at Morristown, TN.

General Sherman continues to plan his attack into central Mississippi, and is preparing to move down the Mississippi River in the next few days.

40th Indiana 1863 Summary

At the beginning of the year, the Battle of Stones River had just concluded; John Baer was recovering from an arm wound suffered during the battle. 

The army remained in the Murfreesboro area for several months before moving on toward Chattanooga.  Wagner's brigade was part of the force that surveilled and shelled the city from the north side of the Tennessee River, while the rest of the army made its way into Georgia.  Once the Confederate army left Chattanooga, Wagner's Brigade occupied the city.  

This caused them to miss the gigantic Battle of Chickamauga where, if they had been in their normal position, they would have been right at the point where the Union army was split in two.  With the Union army forced back into Chattanooga, there were several weeks of half rations until Grant arrived and the "cracker line" for supplies was established.  

Late November saw the chaotic assault on Missionary Ridge, where Confederate forces were unexpectedly routed and forced back into Georgia.  Immediately after the battle, Granger's forces (including the 40th Indiana) were sent to relieve Knoxville, and that is where they remain at the close of the year.

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