Monday, December 11, 2023

December 10, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Granger's Corps - Sheridan's Division - Wagner's Brigade 

Burnside has begun his pursuit of Longstreet's Confederates further east in to Tennessee, while Granger's corps is occupying Knoxville.  Sherman's command has moved part way back to Chattanooga, but is asked to pause his return to see if Longstreet might return back to Knoxville.  On the 9th, Burnside is removed as commander of the Army of the Ohio (a removal he has previously requested), and is replaced by General Foster.

General Granger does not want to remain at Knoxville, as he fears that the roads will prevent his return to Chattanooga once the winter rains have begun.  General Foster is still uncertain if he needs Granger's corps to remain, as Longstreet is rumored to be making a stand at Bristol, TN (100 miles east of Knoxville) and the Union command needs to decide whether to pursue him that far.

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