Sunday, October 8, 2023

October 7, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Crittenden's Corps - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

Confederate cavalry that advanced through the gap between the Union armies have now moved into Tennessee behind Rosecrans' Union army, cutting the railroad and destroying wagon trains. The Confederates successfully attacked at McMinnville, TN, and then moved to the Murfreesboro area where they cut the main railroad from Nashville to Chattanooga.  General Burnside has still not moved down from Knoxville, despite orders from General Halleck and repeated requests from Rosecrans, leaving the gap open.

The army in Chattanooga is daily monitoring the occupation of Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain by Bragg's Confederate army.  Confederate artillery on these ridges fires only sporadically as of now, only to determine the range to Union positions.  Meanwhile, the Union army is trapped in Chattanooga, and supplies are low; the army is on reduced rations, usually half rations or less.

General Hooker, with his corps fully arrived in the area, is still north of the Tennessee River, and is trying to aid in protecting the supply lines, as well as preparing to cross the river.  Sherman's troops are coming up the river from Corinth, MS as fast as possible, but have not reached the area yet.  Sherman himself is still at Memphis, TN.

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