Sunday, June 25, 2023

June 25, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Crittenden's Corps - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

After nearly six months of little movement, General Rosecrans has ordered a general advance of all 3 corps of his army toward the Confederate base at Tullahoma, TN.  Crittenden's corps on the left (with the 40th Indiana) is ordered to Bradyville, and then further forward toward Manchester.  Thomas' center corps approached directly toward Manchester along the pike (probably the current US 24).  On the right, McCook's corps approaches Liberty Gap (near Fosterville, TN) and finds it tightly held by Confederate troops.

This movement threatens Bragg's position at Tullahoma and prevents any reinforcements from being sent to Mississippi where the siege of Vicksburg continues.

In the east, the Confederate army has begun to concentrate in Maryland, in preparation for invading Pennsylvania. 

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