Saturday, September 9, 2023

September 9, 1863 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Crittenden's Corps - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

General Wood's division (minus Wagner's brigade) is operating on the west side of Lookout Mountain.  Wood is sent an order to conduct a reconnaissance in force toward the north end of Lookout Mountain to get definitive information on the location and size of Confederate forces in that area.  Wood hesitates, and does not do this due to worries for the safety of his position; he instead pulls back slightly to the southwest before later sending a reconnaissance force forward.  Crittenden criticizes this action in a letter to Rosecrans; Wood sends several long messages with justification; Rosecrans eventually sends a sharp rebuke to Wood.  This will later be perceived as the root of unfortunate events at the upcoming Battle of Chickamauga.

Meanwhile, Wood is in communication with Wagner regarding the northern point of Lookout Mountain where Confederate forces are positioned.  Wagner shells this area from across the river and engages the Confederate batteries there, as Wood's forces probe along the west side of the mountain up to the north end and engage in firefights with Confederate infantry.

General Bragg has become aware that the Union army is moving on his far left and therefore he must move south out of Chattanooga to face them directly in north Georgia.  By September 9th he is out of the city, and Crittenden's corps moves in to occupy it.  Wagner also crosses the Tennessee River from the north and enters the city as well. 


Map shows the area - Wagner is across the river at Moccasin Bend, shelling Confederate positions at the north end of Lookout Mountain (presumably somewhere near Ruby Falls), while Wood approaches the same area from the southwest along the west side of the mountain.


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