Sunday, January 8, 2023

January 8, 1863 - Thursday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Crittenden's Corps - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade 

John Baer continues to heal from the slight shoulder would he suffered in the Stones River battle.


Murfreesboro has been occupied by the Union center, and this time finds General Rosecrans seeking to bring more troops and artillery to his army.  Despite losing more men, and nearly being routed during the battle, Rosecrans is perceived as the victor at Stones River and received almost universal acclamation.  Bragg, having retreated from the field, has now been designated as the loser, and the people and politicians of the North and South are acting accordingly.

Here is a dispatch from Rosecrans on the 6th:

Murfreesborough, January 6, 1863.
Major-General WRIGHT, Cincinnati:
    I did not write you because I was too busy, and uncertain of the results of the battle.  It is now evident that their loss was excessive.  Their own officers and men estimate their loss at from 13,000 to 15,000.  I now wish to push them to the wall, but the pursuit will be heavy work.  Send me what force you can spare, and take care of the railroad.  I will write you soon.  I congratulate you on the success of the the Carter expedition, and the final expulsion of John H. Morgan.  I wish you would get ready a large lot of saddles and horses, and mount your infantry to pursue him the next time he makes a raid.

 Rosecrans speaks here of a push forward, but by the 8th he has not moved.  Morgan and his cavalry during the Stones River battle had pushed into Kentucky, but was turned back from his objectives and returned to Tennessee.  Nevertheless, his raids will continue throughout the war.

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