Monday, October 30, 2023

October 31, 1943 - Sunday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) - Pacific Ocean - Aleutian Islands, Alaska

October 28th: Moored all day.  Temperatures mid-40s, moderate to strong breezes in the evening.

October 29th Moored all day.  Temperatures mid-40s, light breezes.

October 30th: Moored all day.  Temperatures mid-40s, light breezes.

October 31st: Moored all day.  Temperatures mid-40s, light breezes.

These appear to be routine patrols near Allied bases in the Aleutians.


In the Solomons, the invasion of the Treasury Islands was ongoing.  These four days also included final preparations for the landings on Bougainville Island at Empress Augusta Bay and Cape Torokina on the southwest side of the island.

Plans for Operation Galvanic (invasion of Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands) continued in the Central Pacific.  It would be a few weeks before the operation was ready.

Soviet forces continued their advance across Ukraine, fully cutting off German access to Crimea and trapping German forces there.

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