Saturday, December 30, 2023

December 30, 1943 - Thursday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) -New Guinea

December 27th: Landings being completed at Borgen Bay, New Britain, Daly, with the Brownson survivors still aboard,  moves into the Vitiaz Strait and down the east coast of New Guinea, escorting the returning troop landing ships.  Two men from Brownson who survived the initial attack died of their wounds and were buried at sea at 4:49 PM.  Convoy arrived at Buna, New Guinea, about 11 PM.

December 28th: Left at 10:20 AM and sailed to Milne Bay, New Guinea, reaching there at around 8 PM and moored for the night.

December 29thIn port all day.

December 30thIn port morning and afternoon, fueling and receiving ammunition.  Underway at 1 PM. steering various courses and speeds, anchored about 10 PM.

 Several of the Brownson wounded were transferred to one of the LSTs on the 28th.  The uninjured survivors were transferred to other ships on the 28th also.


Summary of 1943 - USS Daly

(From Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships):

Daly (DD-519) was launched 24 October 1942 by Bethlehem Steel Co., Staten Island, N.Y.; sponsored by Mrs. A. Ransweiler, niece of Sergeant Major Daly, USMC; and commissioned 10 March 1943, Commander R. G. Visser in command.

Between 14 May and 21 June 1943 Daly screened Ranger (CV-4) on exercises and patrol off Argentia, Newfoundland. She sailed from New York a week later screening Lexington (CV-16) and arrived at San Diego 4 August. The next day she was underway for Alaska, arriving at Adak 11 August. She escorted transports to the invasion of Kiska from 15 to 21 August, then patrolled and had escort duty between Kiska and Attu until 18 November when she sailed for Pearl Harbor, arriving 23 November.

Daly left Pearl Harbor 9 December 1943 and arrived at Milne Bay. New Guinea, 18 December. Four days later she sortied to escort landing craft during the assault on Cape Gloucester, New Britain on 26 December. She splashed two attacking Japanese bombers, then aided survivors from Brownson (DD-518) rescuing 168 of her crew despite exploding depth charges from the sinking ship which caused temporary loss of power on Daly.


Mary McLaughlin continued working at Dun & Bradstreet in 1943.  Although she had only had one year of college, this was still somewhat unusual for the young women of the time, and made her very valuable for the office work at the company.  She had become the secretary for one of the executives at the company's Boston location.  

If Mary had time off, she would vacation at York Beach in Maine with her friends.  Otherwise, she was busy with the social events at the USO, taking care of her eight younger brothers and sisters, and helping with dinner each night after coming home from work.

Her father was still working as the projectionist at the theater, and here are some of the popular movies that she would have seen during 1943: Movies of 1943

At the USO, there were still many dances and social functions. This link lists the new hit songs from the year: Music of 1943


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