Saturday, December 23, 2023

December 22, 1943 - Wednesday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) - Milne Bay, New Guinea

December 19th: Reached Milne Bay, New Guinea; underway until the afternoon, anchored rest of day.

December 20th: Moored all day, temperatures 80s, light winds.

December 21st: Moored all day, temperatures high 80s - low 90s, light winds.

December 22nd:  Moored all day, temperatures high 80s - low 90s, light winds.  

Fueling operations for other destroyers were done on the 22nd.  This was in preparation to escort transports and cover landings on the island of New Britain, at Cape Gloucester.  Departure would be on December 23rd.


Preparations for the invasion of Kwajalein Atoll and the Marshall Islands are continuing and the invasion will be at the end of January. 

In the Solomons, fighting continues on Bougainville Island.  The Battle of Arawe continues on the southern coast New Britain; the Japanese airstrip there is captured on the 19th.

In Italy, Allied forces continued slowly moving forward against German defensive lines, as the Battle of Ortona began.

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