Sunday, November 12, 2023

November 12, 1943 - Friday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) - Pacific Ocean - Aleutian Islands, Alaska

November 9th: Moored all day.  Temperatures low-40s, light to moderate winds.

November 10thMoored all day.  Temperatures low-40s.

November 11th: Moored all day.  Temperatures low-40s, light breezes.

November 12th:  Moored all day.  Temperatures low-40s, strong breezes in morning, lighter breezes in evening.

These appear to be routine patrols near Allied bases in the Aleutians.


In the Solomons,  fighting continued on Bougainville; supply unloading went well and the beachhead on the island was established.  A larger carrier strike on Rabaul on the 11th sank a Japanese destroyer and damaged other ships.

Naval forces for Operation Galvanic (invasion of Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands) had been assembled and were like nothing seen before.  6 fleet carriers, 13 light and escort carriers, 13 battleships new and old, 15 cruisers and 42 destroyers had been organized into 6 different task forces approaching the Gilbert Islands from all sides.  The immense production capacity of the United States had finally entered the war, and it would be decisive, just as Admiral Yamamoto had warned.

President Roosevelt embarked on the battleship USS Iowa to travel to the Tehran Conference, another meeting of the "Big 3" - Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin. 

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