Tuesday, July 4, 2023

July 3, 1943 - Saturday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) - New York

June 30th: At sea 10 AM to 6 PM, otherwise in port.

July 1st: In port all day. A number of sailors reported onboard for duty.

July 2nd: In port all day.  One sailor sentenced to solitary confinement on bread and water for seven days for disobedience and insolence, others receive loss of pay for being absent over leave.

July 3rd:  In port all day.  Fueling in late morning.


Daly would soon depart New York and transit through the Panama Canal to the Pacific, initially arriving at San Diego.  Daly would be in the screen of the new Essex-class carrier Lexington (CV-16), named after the carrier earlier lost during the Battle of the Coral Sea.


The full invasion of New Georgia in the Solomon Islands was begun.

In Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the first resident workers arrived in the newly built town.  As many as 70,000 people would live in the town during the war; however, its existence was kept secret as it separated the isotopes required for the Manhattan Project's atomic bomb.


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