Wednesday, March 30, 2022

March 30, 1862 - Sunday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

By March 30th, all of Buell's divisions had crossed the Duck River at Columbia, TN and were then organized to proceed on to Savannah TN as quickly as possible.  Larry J. Daniel describes the procession in his book Shiloh:

 "Once they left the turnpike south of Columbia, the Army of the  Ohio followed a narrow and tortuous eighty-two-mile country road through Waynesboro to Savannah. Nelson's division had a good twelve-to-fifteen hour lead.  Crittenden's division came second in line, followed by McCook's, Thomas Wood's, and then George H. Thomas's.  The enormous wagon train (the 20th Brigade alone counted 85 wagons and 510 mules) traveled between Wood's and Thomas's divisions, placing the latter so far in the rear that it was still forty miles away when the battle began.  Despite the mud-churned road and swollen creeks, the column set a moderate pace of about twelve miles a day." 

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