Saturday, March 26, 2022

March 26, 1942 - Thursday - 80 years ago today

 Status - John Skinner - USS O'Brien:

O'Brien has been stationed at Pearl Harbor, and is doing patrol and escort duty from there. 

O'Brien escorted seaplane tender USS Curtiss on a mission to Midway Island in the later part of March to evacuate civilians.  The Japanese had been operating in the Hawaiian Islands and had raided Midway several times. A Japanese attempt to take Midway was anticipated some time soon, thus civilians were being removed and the island fortified.  

O'Brien and Curtiss would return to Pearl Harbor in early April.

U. S. Navy Task Forces:

  • Task Force 17 (Yorktown) remained in the South Pacific area to continue raids and offensive operations.
  • Task Force 11 (Lexington) arrived at Pearl Harbor on March 26th.
  • Task Force 16 (Enterprise) remained at Pearl Harbor.
  • USS Hornet had arrived on March 20 at Alameda, CA.  Preparations were ongoing for its first mission in the Pacific. This mission was a secret at the time.

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