Monday, March 14, 2022

March 14, 1862 - Friday - 160 years ago today

 Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

There is little new to report since the 10th.  Buell has 5 divisions at Nashville (with some advancing southward along the rivers and turnpikes), and is considering his next move.

In Washington, General McClellan has been relieved of the command of all armies so that he can concentrate on commanding his upcoming offensive from southeast Virginia toward Richmond.  All the generals will report directly to the Secretary of War.

Also, the western commands have been reorganized.  Halleck has been given command of all areas west of Knoxville, and Buell is to serve under Halleck for now. Halleck, in a message to Buell, states that this does not change Buell's command, and that they should talk soon.

Grant's army, and other forces made available, are moving up the Tennessee, and are disembarking at Savannah, TN.  Grant has not yet gone up river to meet with General C.F. Smith, who is in charge of the advanced troops.  Grant speculates that landing at Savannah implies that there are Confederates in force just up the river from there.

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