Thursday, March 10, 2022

March 10, 1942 - Tuesday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS O'Brien:

O'Brien has been stationed at Pearl Harbor, and is doing patrol and escort duty from there.

US Navy Task Forces

  • Task Force 11 (Lexington) and Task Force 17 (Yorktown) had been sailing northwest with the intent of attacking  Rabaul, and another base (Gasmata) on New Britain. On the 8th, word came of Japanese landings on the east side of New Guinea at Lae and Salamaua, and the task forces positioned south of New Guinea for an attack on the landing ships.  On the 10th, forces from the two carriers sank four transports, and damaged two destroyers and a cruiser.
  • Task Force 16 (Enterprise) had completed its raids on Japanese islands and was returning to Pearl Harbor.

 Other Events:

  • March 8: Japanese forces land at Lae and Salamaua, New Guinea.  Although the US Navy attack on the 10th damaged the landing force, the Japanese landed and held the area.  However, the ship losses convinced the Japanese commanders that carrier air support would continue to be needed in this area, and plans were changed accordingly, including a postponement of an advance on Port Moresby, New Guinea.
  • March 9: Java falls to the Japanese forces.
  • Severe tanker and freighter losses continue in the Atlantic.

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