Tuesday, February 22, 2022

February 22, 1862 - Saturday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

 The way being open for the capture of Nashville, Buell's divisions were moving forward to take advantage.  By the 22nd, the advance troops (from Mitchel's division) were within a few miles of Nashville.  The main part of Mitchel's division was at Franklin, TN; another division was at Bowling Green.  

Wood's division, with the 40th Indiana, was ordered forward from the Munfordville area to Bowling Green as the divisions were moving southward in sequence.  All divisions would later consolidate in Nashville.

Taking Fort Donelson, combined with the Confederate army's retreat, opened the Cumberland River all the way to Nashville.  Clarksville, TN, the largest town on the river between Fort Donelson and Nashville, was also occupied by General Grant's army.

 Other Events:

  • February 20: President Lincoln's son, Willie, 12 years old, dies of typhoid fever..
  • February 21: Confederate forces in New Mexico win a battle at Valvarde, NM, and advance on Santa Fe.
  • February 22: Inauguration of Jefferson Davis as President of the Confederate States of America, in Richmond, VA.  Davis had been the provisional president since the spring of the previous year.

 More Information:


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