Friday, February 18, 2022

February 18, 1942 - Wednesday - 80 years ago today

 Status - John Skinner - USS O'Brien: 

O'Brien remained at the Mare Island Navy Yard for repairs to the port side due to its collision with USS Case


The Fall of Singapore on February 15th was yet another major setback for the Allies.  Britain was now left without bases in the Pacific and would not be able to give significant help to the war effort in the Pacific in the near future.

  • From the link above, page 1:  "In 1937, a major rebuilding of the island’s defences and fortifications had just been completed and the island was now considered impregnable, so much so that it was referred to as “The Gibraltar of the East”.
  • Also from the link above, page 3: The Japanese took over 70,000 prisoners at the surrender, comprising British, Australian, Malay and Indian troops. Some were sent to Thailand where many later died building the Burma railway. Some were sent to Japan as slave labour and many were crammed into Changi and Selerang Barracks.  Churchill called the loss of Singapore “shameful” and “the worst disaster” and “the largest capitulation in British history”.

Other Events:

  • Japanese forces secure control of oil refineries in Sumatra.
  • Two US destroyers are damaged by Japanese aircraft near Sumatra and have to return to Australia for repairs.
  • A convoy sent to Timor is recalled as Timor will soon be captured.  The convoy is attacked by Japanese warplanes, but suffers no losses, mainly due to USS Houston's anti-aircraft gunnery.
  • Official Navy Chronology: 
    • "Operation NEULAND: begins with simultaneous attacks on Dutch and Venezuelan oil ports to disrupt production and flow of petroleum products vital to the allied war effort".  One US tanker is damaged in the first day of this operation.

 US Carrier Task Forces:

  • Task Force 16 (Enterprise) is moving to raid Wake Island.
  • Task Force 17 (Yorktown) is moving toward Canton Island to cover recent landings there, and to act as a support force for the other two carrier task forces.
  • Task Force 11 (Lexington) is preparing to attack the Japanese base at Rabaul on New Britain.



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