Sunday, September 15, 2024

September 11, 1864 - Sunday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Stanley's Corps - Newton's Division - Wagner's Brigade

Sherman has made his decision that all the residents of Atlanta are to be removed from the town, and city officials begin implementing his order.  Removal begins on the 11th.  Some go north, but most must go south through Confederate lines and must make do as best they can.  A truce is agreed between the armies from the 12th to the 22nd, to allow all to be removed from Atlanta.

On September 9th, a proposal comes to Sherman from General Hood offering a prisoner exchange.  Sherman reports to Washington that he has about 2000 Confederate prisoners with him (all of the other captured Confederates had been sent north), and will exchange those if he finds the terms acceptable.  More will come of this later.


John Baer Diary Entries - text in white, comments in blue. - September 8th to September 11th.


DIARY ENTRY -  Thursday, September 8th, 1864

No entry.



DIARY ENTRY -  Friday, September 9th, 1864

Summary of events for the week beginning on Sunday, September 3rd, 1864 and ending September 9th, 1864


Fight at Fair Oaks, Virginia reported.  Sherman extends his right in the direction of Macon, Georgia.  McClellan and Pendelton reported candidates for President and Vice President on the conservative ticket.


News from Sherman - he occupied Atlanta.  Hood’s army completely demoralized and retreating in the direction of Augusta and Macon.  Rebs admit the loss of Hood and 20,000 men.  The estimates of the rebel loss in the fighting before Atlanta from the 20th to 22nd July was 4,000 killed and 25,000 placed hors de combat.


Rumors of exchange afloat but not reliable.  Reported that they commence transporting us to the point of exchange immediately, but I fear that it is only a change of prison.  Report proves true as far as moving the prisoners is concerned, but there is a great deal of doubt as to whether it is for exchange.  Fall of Richmond reported - do not know how true it is.  There have already been upwards of 40 detachments shipped and others are under orders.




John has gotten some good information and some incorrect.  The Democratic ticket is correct.  Sherman did occupy Atlanta, but Hood is by no means demoralized, and is planning his next move as his whole army sits southeast of Atlanta.  As part of his next move, Hood wishes to be free of protecting Andersonville prison, and has asked that the prisoners be moved elsewhere.  This will happen soon.  As noted above, though, there is serious negotiation about a prisoner exchanged between the armies in Georgia.


DIARY ENTRY -  Saturday, September 10th, 1864

No entry.


DIARY ENTRY -  Sunday, September 11rd, 1864.   

No entry.  Next entry on September 16th.


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