Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July 1, 1864 - Friday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Howard's Corps - Newton's Division - Wagner's Brigade

The direct assault on the Confederate lines having failed, General Sherman orders another flanking movement to the right.  The center, under General Thomas, will hold in place, while the current left wing, under General McPherson, moves swiftly to the extreme right in an attempt to flank the Confederate army out of the Kennesaw position.  Union forces will take 10 days provisions with them, as the maneuver will require separating from the railroad again.  

John Baer

Having been captured in the previous fight, John Baer has been sent behind the Confederate lines and perhaps interrogated for any knowledge of the army's movement.  John would soon have been boarded on a train that moved through Atlanta and then further south.


Virginia Campaign

The siege by Union forces continued around Petersburg, VA, and would continue for many months.  General Burnside had ordered the digging of a tunnel under the Confederate lines, intending to fill it with explosives and detonate it underneath the rebel army's front line.  Completion would take about a month. 

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