Saturday, June 8, 2024

May 26, 1864 - Thursday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Howard's Corps - Newton's Division - Wagner's Brigade

There is more maneuvering during this time as General Sherman's armies are approaching Dallas, GA. the Confederate army is hurrying south from the Allatoona area toward Dallas as  well.  Sherman is north and west of Dallas, and the Confederates are aligned from Dallas to New Hope Church, about 5 miles northeast. 

There are some smaller battles with the Union taking most of the casualties; a Confederate attack on the Union right is called off due to the Union troops having entrenched.  General Howard receives an order on the 26th to attack; Wood's division is designated to lead the advance on the 27th.

General Sherman begins to consider another movement back toward the railroad, as he is currently detached from his main supply line, which follows approximately the route of the modern day Interstate 75.


Virginia Campaign

Fighting in Virginia now is occurring along the North Anna River.  The Confederate army has deployed in a wedge behind the river.  Union troops become divided trying to find a way to cross the river and attack.  The Confederate army remains on defense, as General Lee is ill and not on the field.  

On the 26th, not having gained any advantage, General Grant moves back north across the river, and again moves to his left and southward, trying again to flank Lee on his right.  The Confederates are able to interpose again, but Grant is nearer Richmond.  Grant is now approaching the Cold Harbor area due east of Richmond.


More Information:

  • Link: War Operations, see Volume XXXVIII, Chapter L, Part IV, Correspondence, pp. 294-323.
  • The Civil War Day by Day, John S. Bowman, Ed. pp. 161-162.
  • The Civil War, A Narrative, Vol 1II, Red River to Appomattox, Shelby Foote, pp. 346-348.
  • Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Retreat With Honor, pp. 305-308.
  • Decision In The West, The Atlanta Campaign of 1864, Albert Castel, pp, 217-229.
  • Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, pp. 562-564.
  • Memoirs of General William T. Sherman, pp. 507-511.
  • Events: 1864


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