Thursday, June 13, 2024

June 7, 1864 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Howard's Corps - Newton's Division - Wagner's Brigade

Sherman has continued moving his corps to the left and has reversed their dispositions, with McPherson on the left and Schofield now on the right.  All efforts continue to extend the operating railroad all the way forward to Acworth, GA.  Some units are still in transit, and so Sherman intends to make a final disposition on June 9th.  There has been a constant rain for the last several days, and that has slowed deployments as well.

The Confederate army has moved to a position between Sherman and Atlanta, concentrated around the Kennesaw area and further south.  Sherman's delays are allowing them to choose positions and entrench.


Virginia Campaign

The dead are beginning to be cleared between the lines at the Cold Harbor battlefield as Grant considers his next move.  Sheridan's cavalry is sent out to break up railroads, and to obscure Grant's future plans. 


Lincoln is nominated for a second term at the Republican convention at Baltimore.


More Information:

  • Link: War Operations, see Volume XXXVIII, Chapter L, Part IV, Correspondence, pp. 401-432.
  • The Civil War Day by Day, John S. Bowman, Ed. p. 165.
  • The Civil War, A Narrative, Vol 1II, Red River to Appomattox, Shelby Foote, pp. 351-353.
  • Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Retreat With Honor, pp. 307-309.
  • Decision In The West, The Atlanta Campaign of 1864, Albert Castel, pp, 259-264.
  • Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, pp. 589-592.
  • Memoirs of General William T. Sherman, pp. 519-520.
  • Events: 1864   




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