Friday, May 3, 2024

May 2, 1944 - Tuesday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) -New Guinea 

April 29th:  Patrolling continued in the Hollandia area for most of the day; in the evening Daly joined with other ships and moved west in formation.  Temperatures 80s, light winds.

April 30th:  A cruiser-destroyer group including Daly has moved up to the next invasion target on the New Guinea coast, the Wakde area, to execute a bombardment.  What the US forces referred to as Wakde was a large island Insoemoar, and a small island nearby.  These islands were about 130 miles west of Hollandia, just off the New Guinea coast.  Bombardment of the islands was done in the early morning, with patrols nearby continuing during the day, and return to Hollandia in the evening.  Temperatures 80s, light winds.

May 1st: Patrolling around Humboldt Bay near Hollandia all day.  Temperatures 80s, light winds.

May 2nd: Again patrolling at Humboldt Bay, New Guinea, all day. Temperatures 80s, light winds.


Fighting in New Guinea would continue for many weeks at several areas along the coast including Aitape, Wewak, and Hollandia.  Japanese forces had been successfully separated, and suffered significant losses without being able to consolidate. 


In the Central Pacific, an attack on Truk (Chuuk) Lagoon is made by a US carrier force; only a few ships remain and so not many are sunk, but most of the remaining Japanese aircraft there are destroyed. Bombardments continue in areas of the Caroline Islands while preparations continue for the Marianas invasion.

Fighting continues in Italy at Anzio and at Monte Cassino.


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