Saturday, April 6, 2024

April 4, 1864 - Monday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Granger's Corps - Sheridan's Division - Wagner's Brigade

The 40th Indiana is likely still on furlough during this time.

Confederate cavalry under Forrest seem to be near Jackson, TN.  Union forces continue to search for them on all their possible lines of movement.

Sherman is able to supply his army but is unable to accumulate supplies for the coming campaign.  He considers not using the railroad to transfer troops or cattle so as to allow for other supplies to reach the front.

General Schofield is now convinced that Longstreet's Confederates are moving to  Virginia and is working to confirm this.

As part of a larger shakeup of Sherman's command, General Granger is ordered to be removed from command of his corps, in favor of General O. O. Howard.

More Information:

  • Link: War Operations, see Volume XXXII, Chapter XLIV, Part III, Correspondence, pp. 213-260.
  • The Civil War Day by Day, John S. Bowman, Ed. p. 148.
  • The Civil War, A Narrative, Vol 1II, Red River to Appomattox, Shelby Foote, pp. 318-320.
  • Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Retreat With Honor, pp. 247-292.
  • Decision In The West, The Atlanta Campaign of 1864, Albert Castel, pp, 79-89.
  • Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, pp. 462-474.
  • Memoirs of General William T. Sherman, pp. 396-466.
  • Events: 1864




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