Thursday, February 29, 2024

February 28, 1944 - Monday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) -New Guinea

February 25th: At sea all day after 7 AM; temperatures 70s-80s, light to moderate winds.  Day consumed in various exercises with other destroyers.

February 26th: Anchored all day after 9 AM; temperatures 70s-80s, light winds.  Returned to Milne Bay, New Guinea on completion of crew training exercises.  Fueling mid-day. 

February 27th: Anchored all day until 5 PM; temperatures 70s-80s, light winds.  Heading for Buna Roads, New Guinea.

February 28th: At sea most of the day, moored for about 3 hours in the morning.  Temperatures 80s, light winds.  Daly is with a cruiser and destroyer force for the invasion of the Admiralty Islands.


Fighting continues in Italy at the Anzio beachhead and at  Monte Cassino

Soviet troops continue advances in Russia and Ukraine. 


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