Wednesday, January 24, 2024

January 23, 1864 - Saturday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Granger's Corps - Sheridan's Division - Wagner's Brigade

 On the 20th, General Granger is ordered to move his corps through Knoxville toward Sevierville, TN. The army is retreating from Strawberry Plains to Knoxville, then plans to move southeast from Knoxville once the situation becomes clearer.  There is more food and forage in that area. 

 On the 22nd, General Foster writes that he has diverted Granger's corps to the west of the city, to protect cities there and also the railroad.  He is ordered to remain there on the 23rd, and go into winter quarters.

Sherman has returned to Memphis and continues to organize his Mississippi expedition, and reports that he expects to be ready for the advance from Vicksburg by the 25th.

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