Saturday, December 2, 2023

December 2, 1943 - Thursday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) - Pearl Harbor

November 29th: In port all day.  Temperatures 70s-80s, light winds.

November 30thIn Port all day.  Temperatures 70s-80s, light winds.

December 1st: In port all day.  Temperatures 70s, light winds. 

December 2ndUnderway 8 AM to 8 PM, otherwise moored.  Executed maneuvering and gunnery drills outside of port. Temperatures 70s, light winds.

Daly will be at Pearl Harbor for just over two weeks before sailing for the New Guinea/Solomons theater.  Mild temperatures and calm winds prevailed for these 4 days.


John F. Skinner. Jr. was advanced in rank from Coxswain to Boatswain's Mate 2nd Class as of December 1st.  BM2c is the 3rd grade rating, and so by the 1942-46 pay charts John would be receiving $100.80 per month after his promotion.

Planning was already in progress for the next advance in the Central Pacific into the Marshall Islands, with Kwajalein Island as the focus. The invasion date was set for mid-January.  This was a bold decision as several islands occupied by the Japanese would be bypassed, or "leap-frogged" in the terminology of the time.

In the Solomons, fighting continues on Bougainville Island. 

President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill met with Stalin at Tehran, Iran, and then returned to Cairo.  The Declaration from the Cairo conference for the first time demanded unconditional surrender from the Axis powers.

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