Tuesday, August 1, 2023

July 31, 1943 - Saturday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) - Pacific Ocean

July 28th: At sea all day after 9 AM.  Transiting Panama Canal and proceeding into the Pacific.

July 29th: At sea all day.  At noon, about 120 miles WSW of San Jose, Costa Rica, heading northwest.

July 30th: At sea all day.  At noon, about 400 miles west of Managua, Nicaragua, heading northwest.

July 31st: At sea all day.  At noon, about 140 miles SSE of Acapulco, Mexico.  Destination: San Diego, California.


The Allied Invasion of Sicily continued as Allied forces attack the defensive line that Italian and German troops have built around Mt. Etna.  The week-long Battle of Troina began on the 31st.  Mussolini had been deposed and arrested a few days earlier.  President Roosevelt had a fireside chat and promises justice for Mussolini's war crimes.

The fire-bombing of Hamburg, which killed 30,000 people, was conducted on the 28th.  Many of the citizens of Hamburg died in basement shelters due to carbon monoxide poisoning.  A firestorm consumed the city, streets became so hot that no rescuers could enter the city for two days.

In the Aleutians, Japanese forces conduct a full evacuation of Kiska Island on July 28th.  US forces are completely unaware of the evacuation and continue to bombard the island over the next few days.  The Allies began to build an invasion force to capture Kiska.

In the Solomons, B-25 bombers sank two Japanese destroyers on the 28th.  Fighting continued on New Georgia and nearby islands.

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