Friday, August 25, 2023

August 24, 1943 - Tuesday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) - Pacific Ocean - Aleutian Islands, Alaska

August 21st: At sea until 7 PM.  At noon, north of Tanaga Island, Aleutians.  Fueling in late evening.

August 22nd:  In port all day.  Temperature low 50s, light breezes.

August 23rd: In port all day.  Temperature low 50s, moderate breezes.

August 24th: At sea 7 AM for the rest of the day.  At noon, southeast of Amchitka Island, Aleutians.

These appear to be routine patrols around the area between Adak, Attu, and Kiska.


In New Guinea, US air forces attacked Japanese bases at Wewak, on the north shore of New Guinea,  They achieved complete surprise as the Japanese did not believe Wewak was in range.  The Japanese lost about 170 airplanes; US losses were only 10 planes.

Forces of the Soviet Union continued their westward advance as the Battle of the Dnieper began.

Preparations had begun for occupying the Gilbert and Marshall Islands, which would become the Central Pacific campaign.  The stretching of Navy forces in the Pacific since Pearl Harbor (named by Admiral Nimitz "Operation Shoestring") was slowly coming to an end.   

Daly had escorted the Essex-class Lexington to the Pacific; in addition, Essex, Essex-class Yorktown, and three more light carriers were added nearly at the same time.  The production capacity of the homeland had finally begun to tell, and would support further advances with increasingly large numbers of ships, airplanes, and munitions.

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