Saturday, July 8, 2023

July 7, 1943 - Wednesday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) - New York

July 4th: In port all day.

July 5th: At sea at 5 PM. 

July 6th: At sea all day, 8 PM 300 miles due east of Atlantic City, NJ.

July 7th: Moored at noon for rest of day.  Fueling in afternoon.


Daly would soon depart New York and transit through the Panama Canal to the Pacific, initially arriving at San Diego.  Daly would be in the screen of the new Essex-class carrier Lexington (CV-16), named after the carrier earlier lost during the Battle of the Coral Sea.


In the Aleutians, there was a ship bombardment of Kiska Island by a US cruiser forces.  There was no return fire from the island.  Kiska would be the next focus of the Navy in the Aleutians campaign.

The Battle of Kula Gulf took place near New Georgia in the Solomons overnight on July 5-6.  A force of Japanese destroyers was transporting troops to Kolombangara, where it was met by a US Navy force of cruisers and destroyers.  The Japanese managed to land 1600 reinforcements at Vila on Kolombangara Island, but had 2 destroyers sunk and another 2 damaged, while the US Navy lost the light cruiser Helena. 

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