Sunday, July 23, 2023

July 23, 1943 - Friday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) - New York

July 20th: In port all day.

July 21st: In port all day.

July 22nd: At sea starting at 8 AM for the rest of the day.  At noon, about 100 miles east of the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  Breezy to light gale force winds in the evening.

July 23rd: At sea all day with considerable breezes while proceeding south.  At noon, about 450 miles east of Jacksonville, FL.

NOTE: Wind force is recorded in deck logs as a number, this is assumed to be in the Beaufort Scale.


Daly has begun its transit through the Panama Canal to the Pacific in the screen of the new Essex-class carrier Lexington (CV-16).  Initial destination is San Diego, CA.


The Allied Invasion of Sicily continued as General Patton captured Palermo and Allied forces are pushing the Italian forces toward the northeast corner of the island. 

The Battle of Kursk had ended and the Russian army has begun to advance on German positions near Belgorod, Russia.

In the Aleutians, the Navy bombarded Kiska Island on consecutive days, the second day with a battleship and cruiser force.  In the Solomons, two Japanese destroyers were sunk by airplanes from Guadalcanal.

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