Tuesday, July 11, 2023

July 11, 1943 - Sunday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) - New York

July 8th: In port all day.

July 9th: In port all day. 

July 10th: In port all day.  Fueling in the afternoon.

July 11th: In port all day.


Daly would soon depart New York and transit through the Panama Canal to the Pacific, initially arriving at San Diego.  Daly would be in the screen of the new Essex-class carrier Lexington (CV-16), named after the carrier earlier lost during the Battle of the Coral Sea.


On the night of July 9-10, the Allied Invasion of Sicily began with landings on the southern coast of the island.  This was the beginning of the Allies' attempt to capture Sicily and mainland Italy.  The city of Syracuse was captured on the second day.

In Russia, the Battle of Kursk had begun; this is largest tank battle in history.  It would go on for a week before the German offensive stalled and was then called off - in part due to a need to send German troops to help defend Italy.

Fighting also continued in New Georgia as Marines drove to capture the town of Munda and its airfield.  Navy ships continue bombardment of Munda.

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