Sunday, May 28, 2023

May 28, 1943 - Friday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) - Argentia, Newfoundland

May 25th: At sea all day, 8 PM about 250 miles ESE of Newfoundland.

May 26th: At sea all day, 8 PM about 370 miles due east of Newfoundland.

May 27th: At sea all day, 8 PM about 430 miles ESE of Newfoundland.

May 28th: At sea until returning to port at 8 PM.  Fueling done in the evening.


Attu was almost fully retaken by Army troops by the 28th.  As was typical, the remaining Japanese troops died in a final charge or committed suicide.  

The island of Kiska was still in Japanese hands, and the US forces in Alaska would now prepare for its recapture; the Japanese, in fact, had already begun to withdraw some troops from Kiska.  

The TRIDENT Conference in Washington, D.C. ended on May 25th.  Roosevelt and Churchill reaffirmed previous plans; defeat Germany first, continue the strategic bombing in Europe, and invade Europe to created a second front by May 1944.


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