Thursday, May 25, 2023

May 24, 1943 - Monday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Daly: 

USS Daly (DD-519) - Argentia, Newfoundland

May 21st: In port all day.

May 22nd: Out to sea starting at 8 AM.  Remained out all day,  At 8 PM, about 200 miles south of Newfoundland.

May 23rd: Returned to port at 10 AM and remained for the rest of the day.  Fueling in the afternoon.

May 24th: In port during the day and sailed at 7 PM.


In the Aleutians, US forces advanced on Attu, and began to corner the Japanese in a small part of the island at Chicagof Harbor.  Soon after, Attu would be regained, and remain in US hands for the rest of the war.

MacArthur was making slow progress in New Guinea, while the Navy was preparing their next offensive in New Georgia, about half way up the Solomons chain.


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