Friday, March 31, 2023

March 29, 1943 - Monday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Fullam:

John was currently aboard Fullam, and would transfer to Daly in early April.

Battle of the Komandorski Islands

In Alaska, the naval battle of the Komandorski Islands, a running firefight, many hours long, between Japanese and American cruisers and destroyers, takes place on the 26th.  One cruiser is damaged on each side, and two US destroyers suffer slight damage.  Admiral McMorris is credited for his strategy as he was facing a much larger Japanese force but fought well and lost no ships.

USS Daly (DD-519)

 Daly was initially moored in a berth at the New York Naval Shipyard before beginning its deployment.

March 26th: Ship left Oyster Bay, Long Island in the morning at 08:37, and steamed various courses and speeds, calibrating compass, and returned to Oyster Bay at 18:18.

March 27th: Daly left Oyster Bay at 11:20, destination Newport, R.I.  General drills executed en route.  Moored at pier side in Newport at 19:32.

March 28th:  Moored at Newport.  Ten torpedoes loaded for test firing.  One of the crew arrested for drunkenness by the shore patrol.

March 29th: Ship went out to sea again and conducted torpedo test firings using torpedoes received the previous day.  Anchored at 21:16 at Buzzards Bay, MA, which is at the west end of Cape Cod.

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