Monday, March 13, 2023

March 13, 1943 - Saturday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Fullam:

John was currently aboard Fullam, and would transfer to Daly in early April.

USS Daly (DD-519)

Daly's logbook entry on the day of commissioning (March 10th):

The USS DALY was built by the Bethlehem Steel Company, Shipbuilding Division, Staten Island, N.Y., delivered to the Navy at New York Navy Yard.  1205  In accordance with directives from the Navy Department the USS DALY was placed in commission.  Present at the commissioning ceremony were  Rear Admiral E. J. MARQUART, USN, Commandant Third Naval District and the Navy Yard, the sponsor of the ship, MRS. ARTHUR RANSWEILER, CAPTAIN J. L. MCCREA (SOPA), CAPTAIN McKittrick, USN, Captain of the yard and distinguished guests.  1208  Broke the flag of the Admiral at the fore.  Rendered official honors.  Proceeded with the commissioning ceremony.  1220  Commanding Officer accepted a portrait of the late Sergeant Major Daniel Daly, US Marine Corps, after whom the ship is named, presented by the JOSEPH A. WYNNE POST Number 260, VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE UNITED STATES.  1230  Commissioning ceremony completed.  Rear Admiral MARQUART, USN, left the ship officially.  Hauled down his flag.

The deck log then lists the entire crew complement.  Daly moves to a pier and is getting most services from shore.  For the next 3 days, the ship remains docked.  Various system checks are done and several sailors report on board.

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