Thursday, February 9, 2023

February 9, 1943 - Tuesday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Fullam: 

John was on duty at his new destroyer, the USS Fullam, at the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston.  

John and Mary
Some further details (in bold) since our last entry:


One night I was reading a paper after one of our dances and a tall good-looking blond man came up and hit the paper.  This was my introduction to John Skinner.  I had noticed him watching me for some time.  I danced with him at the dance we had a couple of days later.  I remember that we talked about two movies -  Casablanca and Random Harvest. I liked the first and he liked the second.  After that we went to a movie and he came out to my house.  He was amazed as one after another my brothers and sisters appeared, but I think he enjoyed it because at the time he had left home, only he and his parents were there.

I didn't see John after that.  He was going out with other girls and I was going out with other guys.  Before I knew it, his new ship was ready and he had left.  I didn't see him again for three years.  Neither of us wrote letters to the other but once in a while I heard some news of him from another girl he wrote to.   

 It isn't surprising that Mary and John didn't date any further at this time.  John would soon be leaving, and with everyone coming and going, there was an impermanence imposed by the times and the ongoing war.  


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